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Displaying 13 to 24 (of 49 new products)
Date Added: Wednesday 17 February, 2016
Morels and Yellow-wine Trout
Trout with Morels and Yellow-wine Ingredients for 4 people: 4 trout freshly fished, from 150 to 200g 1 quarter of a litre of milk, 50g of flour. 1 sheet of parchment paper, 1 quarter of a litre of cr...
Date Added: Wednesday 17 February, 2016
Arboisian Blue cooked Trout
To the arboisienne blue-cooked trout Ingredients for 4 people: 4 freshly fished trout, of 150 to 200g 30 g of butter, 4dl of vinegar of Vin Jaune, salt, pepper, curly parsley. Recipe: empty trout with...
Date Added: Wednesday 17 February, 2016
TERRINE of rabbit to Vin Jaune
1 large rabbit and a considerable of a small,
salt, pepper,
grated nutmeg,
, olive oil,
yellow wine,
600g of stuffingTERRINE of rabbit to Yellow-wine Ingredients: 1 large rabbit and a considerable of a small, salt, pepper, spices, grated nutmeg, garlic, thyme, Laurier , olive oil, yellow wine, 600g of stuffing (⅓ po...
Date Added: Wednesday 17 February, 2016
Poultry's lever terrine with Yellow-wine
Poultry's lever terrine with Yellow-wine Ingredients: 500g of liver of poultry, 500g of fresh bacon, 100g shallots, 100g of breadcrumbs soaked in milk, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon of tapenade of olives, truffl...
Date Added: Wednesday 17 February, 2016
Light yellow Jurabalsam vinegar Sorbet
Light yellow Jurabalsam vinegar Sorbet (2) Ingredients: - Jurabalsam yellow light 50 g - water 125g - sugar 60g - PM agar-agar 1 lemon juice g - Œuf 30g white recipe: - bring to a boil the vinegar, wa...
Date Added: Wednesday 17 February, 2016
Light Yellow jurabalsam vinegar Sorbet
SORBET with Light yellow Jurabalsam vinegar Ingredients: - Jurabalsam yellow light 160 g - water 125g - sugar 60g - PM agar-agar 1 lemon juice g - white of Œuf 30 g recipe: - bring the Jurabalsam to ...
Date Added: Wednesday 17 February, 2016
Smoked salmon first course
Smoked salmon first course Ingredients for 4 people: 4 slices of bread lightly toasted. 4 slices of smoked salmon to the wood fire. 1 fresh white cheese in cottage cheese. 1 bunch small asparagus gree...
Date Added: Wednesday 17 February, 2016
Grilled mullets marinated in Natural Savagnin Wine-vinegar
Grilled red MULLET marinated in vinegar of Savagnin natural Ingredients for 4 people: 8 mullet of 180 g each, 1 dl of olive oil, 5 natural vinegar of Savagnin cl, flower of salt, pepper grains. 1 larg...
Date Added: Wednesday 17 February, 2016
Surmullet "Meunière" way
Surmullet 'Meunière' way Ingredients for 4 people: 16 red mullet fishermen of the Gulf, 40 g of butter, 2 cl vinegar of Vin Jaune, flour, salt, pepper. Recipe: chip, empty red mullet or make it by th...
Date Added: Wednesday 17 February, 2016
Ray Wing with Yellow-wine Vinegar
Ray Wing with Yellow-wine Vinegar Ingredients for 4 guests: 1 kg 200 of Skate wing, 50 g of capers, 1 spoon of chopped parsley, 100 g of butter, yellow, wine vinegar 5 cl flower of salt, pepper. 500g ...
Date Added: Wednesday 17 February, 2016
Spicy Prunes
Spicy Prunes Ingredients: 2 kg and a half of fresh prunes (or dry previously soaked), 10 cloves, 1 cinnamon stick nails, 800ml of vinegar of Keychain, 300ml of hot water, 450g of sugar, 2 teaspoons of...
Date Added: Wednesday 17 February, 2016
Chicken marinate with Yellow-wine Vinegar
Chicken marinate in Yellow-wine Vinegarbaked Ingredients: 1 free-range chicken about 800 g, 10 cl vinegar of Vin Jaune, 30 g of onions, 15 g ginger, 8 cloves garlic, 1 teaspoon red chili, 1/2 teaspoon...
Displaying 13 to 24 (of 49 new products)
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